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更新时间:2023-07-23 09:45:05 人气指数:

What is WTO?

WTO, which stands for World Trade Organization, is an international organization that regulates and oversees global trade between nations. It was established on January 1, 1995, as a successor to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT).

What is the purpose of WTO?

The main purpose of WTO is to create a fair and predictable framework for international trade. It aims to ensure that trade flows as smoothly, predictably, and freely as possible. By providing a platform for negotiations, settling disputes, and enforcing trade rules, WTO promotes economic growth and development around the world.

How does WTO work?

WTO operates on the basis of trade agreements negotiated and signed by member countries. These agreements cover a wide range of trade-related issues, such as tariffs, subsidies, intellectual property rights, and trade in services. The organization also holds regular meetings, known as ministerial conferences, where member countries discuss and make decisions on trade policies.

What are the benefits of WTO?

WTO offers several benefits to its member countries. Firstly, it provides a platform for negotiations, allowing countries to pursue their trade interests and resolve disputes in a peaceful manner. Secondly, it promotes transparency by requiring member countries to disclose their trade policies and practices. This helps create a level playing field and reduces the chances of unfair trade practices. Lastly, WTO helps developing countries integrate into the global economy by providing technical assistance and capacity building programs.

Are there any criticisms of WTO?

Despite its positive impact, WTO has faced criticism from various quarters. Some argue that the organization is biased towards developed countries and neglects the interests of developing nations. Others claim that it prioritizes free trade over social and environmental concerns. Moreover, the complex nature of trade agreements and the lengthy dispute settlement process have been criticized for being inaccessible to smaller and less powerful countries.


In conclusion, WTO plays a crucial role in promoting global trade and economic development. It provides a framework for negotiations, settlement of disputes, and enforcement of trade rules. While there are criticisms surrounding its functioning, the organization continues to work towards ensuring a fair and predictable international trading system.



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